Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

An impromptu shoot along a favorite local trail left me with some ‘oh so fun’ photographs that I just had to share.  It’s just how I feel about spring and summer being right around the corner! 🙂

Here’s part 2 of this darling little 6 month old’s photo shoot .  What a gem!

Just a few wedding favorites to tide me over till the warm weather makes it way back to Utah.  I can’t wait for the sun, the flowers and all things green and lovely! 🙂  Here’s to summertime.

This handsome little fella is such a charmer, believe me!  In fact, within the first few moments of arriving to photograph him, he sweetly leaned over from his momma’s arms to let me hold him.  I literally melted right there and the rest of the afternoon was just a dream.  Isn’t window light so beautiful and little Owen soooo handsome? 🙂

Babies are so fun at 6 months; they’ll smile at anyone and have you making a fool of yourself just moments after meeting them.  I had to capture these wide eyes and big old smile before this little guy sprouts his teeth.  Isn’t he great!? 🙂

I just happen to love this family and that makes it even better when I get to capture them for a family portrait.  They are so great and down to earth.  Their oldest son is headed out for a 2 year, LDS mission to Germany and they wanted to get some family photos before he was off.  Enjoy!

Can you get a more scrumptious mix of mom and dad than this cute little man?  I could easily have spent the whole afternoon just following him around with my camera… although I’m sure he might not agree with the idea. 🙂  I just happen to love these guys because they are family and we had just a few minutes to capture them… one piano bench, some beautiful window light, 10 minutes of shooting and wa-la, family photos to hold them over till the new addition arrives in a few months.  Enjoy and best wishes with the baby!

Thinking about a trip to Disneyland….. who wouldn’t after magical photos like these.  Doesn’t it make you want to just pack your bags and head straight to California? Man, what cute kids!!! 🙂

I LOVE newborn sessions.  Shooting with natural light indoors can be a challenge but when you have a beautiful window with lots of light and a cutie like this one, you just can’t go wrong.  Sophia was such a behaved little gal.  I couldn’t have asked for more.  This was so fun… enjoy! 🙂

Here is the anticipated second half of this wonderful family shoot.  Again, awesome shots guys.  There are so many great shots, I just couldn’t hold back… enjoy browsing! 🙂