Archive for August, 2011

Well, I can’t say enough about how excited I am to post these photos; they are absolutely fantastic!  It was such a beautiful, sunny morning for this photo shoot and Trisha’s choice of style just hit the spot… so darn cute.  Then, to top it off, Trisha let me in on her little secret… she made her girls headbands to match the outfits she chose.  Those headbands are to die for… really, I want some for my girls.  She even does custom bows…. I know who I’m coming to before my next photo shoot! 🙂

Ahhh, I do love children’s photography.  These two brothers are SOOOO darling and since Saywer was turning three, it was time for some individual portraits… but of course we couldn’t do a shoot without getting their beautiful mama in there too.  They are, after all, some of the luckiest kids with a fabulous mom like Robyn!  So, we played with some natural light in Robyn’s home for these portraits and I think the effect is fabulous!  Nothing like having the studio come to you, right Robyn!? 🙂  Hope you find something or several to love!

Well, the light in this room is insanely beautiful… that was my first comment to my dear friend when I walked in to her room.  Fabulous.  Heavenly.  Give me beautiful, natural light like this that just streams in from the windows with a wide, open floor and wonderful, crisp and deliciously warm photos like these are the result.  🙂 ….can you tell, I REALLY love beautiful light?  So, if you have ever wondered if indoor photography is possible in your home, invite me over and let’s take a look.  If you’ve got some great light you’ll never regret scheduling a shoot indoors! 🙂