Posts Tagged ‘ogden utah photogapher’

Love being a family photographer when I get to photograph families that I love, adore and admire.  The Poll’s are just that.  We had a fantastic evening up the canyon with the fall colors in full display.  These darling girls gave the autumn colors a run for their money with their vibrant, energetic and beautiful smiles.  Such wonderful, sweet girls… inside and out!  The canyon winds picked up just a bit as we began to shoot which made for some very elegant, magazine moments and I loved every bit of it.  What a great session.  Just love this dear family to pieces. Enjoy, enjoy!

Family photography can be hard work at times but the results are always well worth the effort.  I got to spend the evening with Mark & Rachel and their two little sweethearts.  Sweetest family ever!  Big sister wasn’t too interested in hanging around the camera but like I told Rachel… all it takes is a few magical moments when little ones forget that the camera is pointed in their direction and all of a sudden you’ve got a handful of vibrant, tender expressions that makes my ‘mom’ heart just melt.  I always know that when I want the images I shoot (but of my own kids), it’s pretty likely that my dear, sweet clients will love them just as much!  Enjoy Mark & Rachel’s session and feel free to leave a comment or two. 🙂

Jaycee is turning eight!  Wahoo!  Such a fun age and milestone as she prepares for her baptism.  The morning we met to photograph Jaycee turned out cloudy and a bit different than what we were expecting but we just ran with it and the results are unbeatable.  I’m so pleased with the morning and lighting and my sweet, young friend did such a great job in front of the camera.  Jaycee, you are such a FUN gal!  You are brimming with life and your personality is so fantastic and vibrant.  Loved your session!  Thanks for a great morning and a lot of super fun photography.  Enjoy and congratulations! 🙂

Doing some family photography with this sweet family was such a treat.  We met and settled ourselves into this small little apple orchard and just enjoyed the evening.  There was a little reading, lots of bubbles and even some dancing.  I’ve known Lindsay since I was much younger and she’s the kind of gal that you just love to be around.  And so, it’s no wonder that her family was just a dream to be with too.  You guys are so great!  Ryan & Lindsay, you two have such CUTE kiddos and all with eyes to die for! You’ve built something fantastic together, I can tell… I hope you enjoy what we captured! 🙂

Family photography like this is so fun.  Natalie and I worked together to find a suitable location with a fresh, springy look for her family and did we ever find what we were after.  These cherry trees provide the perfect backdrop for Natalie and her darling kids… who are, by the way, oh so cute!  The effect in all her family photos is wonderful.  Such BEAUTIFUL light!!!!! I feel so honored to shoot for this sweet family because Natalie is a photographer herself who wanted someone to capture her and the kids in action.  Sweet little Lucy was not too hip to the idea, but I think we still captured some very sweet shots.  Nat, thanks again and enjoy, enjoy! 🙂

Spring has a way of luring the photographer in me outside… camera in hand, to my own little orchard to see what I can see.  The yard is somewhat wild and so I love the challenge of finding beauty in the wild sections of the orchard.  LoVe the spring blossoms… love photographing them even more.  So, just for fun…. enjoy!

This sweet, darling mom suggested doing her family photography session and Afton’s 6 month photos in her grandmother’s home and on her porch.  I knew there would be great light as long as we had sunshine and did we ever!  I have been so excited to show this darling family their session because I am quite in love with it…. IN LOVE!!!  I haven’t been able to pull myself away from their library of delicious photos.  The love just pours from these images and makes me all soft inside.  Rori, you are beautiful!!!  I still want that secret recipe for looking so good just months after having sweet little Afton… 🙂  You have the cutest style!  I love what we captured inside as well… don’t you?  I hope you are as pleased with the results as I am and here’s to finding many of your photos to love!

All I can say is WOW!  We shot the Fisher’s children & family photos with natural light, on location… right in their own home!  Could there be an easier way to do family photos? Just hang out right at home and let the photographer come to you…  sounds great to me!  This photo shoot is a fantastic example of the beauty of natural light that exists right in the walls of your own home.  Got a bit of space and some big windows that let in the light… well, what are you waiting for!?  Grab the camera and get to snapping; you may just surprise yourself!!! We settled ourselves in the middle of this darling family’s living room, just opposite their 3 large picture windows and got right to shooting.  A few days later and wha’la, a great big bunch of super stylin’ photos.  And will you all agree with me that this is ONE photogenic family…. Wow,wow, WOW! 🙂  I ‘heart’ these faces.  Great job you guys, enjoy!